
Piecing wholes in multiples.

Piecing wholes in multiples.

This is my first attempt at shaping and piecing three whole dresses from the same designer into one Okimmi. Though I’ve decided to push my own boundry by adding one more rescue selectively.. seeing this range of fit is extraordinary. Just one cut and one opened seam...

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Sustainable Practice: A Foundation for a Greener Future

Sustainable Practice: A Foundation for a Greener Future

Being mindful of how, what, and why we create is crucial for preserving our planet. By understanding our impact on the environment and taking proactive steps to regenerate, we can move beyond simple cleaning to create a truly sustainable future. Waste is a concept...

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Cutting footprint is not a mindless game.

Cutting footprint is not a mindless game.

Cutting footprint is not a mindless game. It is taking conscious action to choose best for ecology, over and over, again. To create with the intent to save, and regenerate a new platform for a true sustainable way. This takes repetition every single day.Thinking for...

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