
Cutting footprint is not a mindless game.

Cutting footprint is not a mindless game.

Cutting footprint is not a mindless game. It is taking conscious action to choose best for ecology, over and over, again. To create with the intent to save, and regenerate a new platform for a true sustainable way. This takes repetition every single day.Thinking for...

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We all own it.. stuff.

We all own it.. stuff.

Innovating through the flex of considerate minded choosing.We all own it.. stuff. Industry punps it out like a machine so piecing in whole multiples diminishes wasting. It’s really not enough for me though.. I see deep. Create with flex. Give range and power and...

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We all owe it.

We all owe it.

Working for sustainable shift. We ALL owe it. When you see people in the world actively serving it, it’s easy to comprehend the scale needed to impactfully turn it. This isn’t a job for one. Scientists, activists, ecologists, farmers the indigenous.. so many have...

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