By Simi D.

Globally, we have an addiction to single use plastic and fast fashion. The warnings of over producing, and proof of fast fashion abusing, is a formula that humanity, as a whole, has universally been toxically ignoring. An addictive way of self-soothing through cheap, fast repetitive buying. We are down for the count, the road signs are out, yet still we keep toxically supporting. Buried within the many destructive issues of fast fashion production is the use of plastics. Two addictions, for one toxic buy in and the need to detox is drastic.

Can the Fashion Industry Kick Its Plastic Addiction? | WIRED UK

Life is numbers… invisible mathematical equations that play themselves out, over and under. This endless trash mentality of humanity has imposed a count upon nature that unsustainably has released a vicious plunder. Our future is roaring with a threatening thunder. Ignoring it will not stop that which has rightly set us under. No attention is necessary while midst this global emergency as time will add, then subtract, our toxic choices naturally. The time to rearrange for sustainable change is upon humanity. The question is the same asked universally.. will we take action, or won’t we?

The world’s plan to make humanity sustainable is failing. Science can do more to save it

I recall as a child, other countries like the UK seemed so impossibly far away, that Texas was both my mental and physical stay. I could not have imagined back then the world we live in today. We are no longer separate, as technology is our global great connector in every way. Largely, we have become a universal world of influence in how we choose to get our things done. Showing every detail through social media platforms to literally everyone. How we choose inconsiderately, how our consumption overflows mathematically, shows the global masses that we value buying into toxicity. Thus promoting a plastic waste mentality of little care as the majority follows proudly. This unsustainable percentage of mass consumption has turned us into the plastic we keep mindlessly binning. Literally, and in this all are losing, not winning. Plastic has become the majority, the acceptable “new black” for over producing, and single using. Humanity, in comparison, is now ranked the minority to our waste which sits upon the earth leeching and collecting.

How to Avoid Microplastics and Keep Your Family Safe From Their Chemicals

We have seen the proposed numbers by now and they are staggering. The fashion industry is responsible for approximately 20 percent of global wastewater, 10 percent of carbon emissions, and massive amounts of textile waste is dumped worldwide by the tonnage. Incineration is another topic entirely, as it issues tax rebates for unsold goods, whilst igniting toxic emissions intentionally. A staggering 60 percent of clothing is plastic due to the inexpensive cost of producing. This includes lightweight, durable polyester, acrylic and nylon textiles. None of which are biodegradable. Every laundry cycle causes the shedding of tiny (5 mm or less) plastic microfibers which washes out into our wastewater with every cleaning. This causes half a million tons of plastic microfibers to be released into the ocean every year. Water treatment plants deepen this damage by releasing up to 40 per cent of the microfibers they produce into lakes, rivers and oceans. Whatever metric you wish to use, the numbers forebode a crisis which shows no sign of slowing. This for all of humanity should be most concerning.

New fashion regulations should reflect the urgency and scale of fashion unsustainability

Regardless of what country we are from, climate change affects every one, often unequally, and unfairly. It is said that we are the final generation with the choice to make a difference, yet little to nothing is changing. The choice is there to prepare and shift rightly with a planet-first mentality, yet few are rearranging. Considerate choosing has never been more universally impactful than it is today. The global fashion industry has profited greatly from over producing toxic plastic clothing. They also hold little to no accountability for cleaning up their waste. This should be unacceptable to every sensible and concerned human being today, yet the statistics show that we are still supporting.

Shocking facts about the impact of fast fashion on our climate

Industrial empires have been built from international communities created to support and instill the value of over producing. Society has overvalued and encouraged the art of self-marketing, self-selling, and self-producing an endless supply chain of throw away, cheap trendy clothing. Plastic clothing, and our addiction to trendy buying, keeps consumers set to the needy feed of influencing, and hooks the addict addicted to buying. All this, while knowing that the planet’s finite resources cannot sustain such infinite overflowing. Overproduction has hit such a global scale, that we have run out of places to hide it. We see the warning signs, and feel the temperatures rise as the oceans and deserts confine it. Hear the shock and surprise with every coral reef or species that dies, then consume plastic again without blinking an eye.

‘All we need is less’ – Zero Waste Europe demands urgent action on fashion frenzy stripping the planet off its finite resources

The UK is at risk of running low on water. Why? |

Today we are in the midst of a global climate emergency, caused by the numerous toxic choices made by humanity. Not just in the US or UK, but globally. Clearly not all countries consume and waste the same. Shamefully, the most innocent of humanity often pays the bills for those buying and supporting cheap plastic clothing. Those who wear it, cost humanity greatly, most often unknowingly. Precious global resources are wasted endlessly, while sweat shops keep on profiting greatly.
Mass destruction ecologically, social injustices to humanity, all which literally risk everything just for cheap, fast and trendy. The nonsensical choosing of global warming caused by the entitlement of humanity, is ubiquitous and it shows no signs of slowing.

Fashion innovators are looking for sustainable ways to make clothes. : NPR

Hence the rising urgency for sustainable shifting. The need for a higher calling to rearrange considerately by recreating with our existing. For learning and awakening a deeper understanding that as a whole, we must recondition the greater percentage of humanity for a new connection to ecology. Globally reconditioning our addiction to toxic consumerism – to change industry sustainably, and accountably.

As the creator of my sustainable fashion brand Okimmi by simi d, all begins for me through acknowledging and accepting. After seven years of formulating this language of Okimmi, I have created over 50 innovative designs and own one patent in holding. All through rescue and saving. This project has taught me endlessly about the universal language of sustainability. I believe fully that recreating from used is a scalable reality. Okimmi is proof that true sustainability is voiced through considerate mindful choosing, and that we all can and must learn to more considerately choose. With what we know scientifically, shifting sustainably can never lose. Even if humanity, is deemed innocent and somehow all this massive toxic waste spewed all over the planet wrongfully is not the cause of humanity, we still clean up and reuse. We still detoxify our environments, save ecology and the precious finite resources we endlessly burn through, creating life growing soil and cleaner air as we do.

As a climate activist first, I strongly and respectfully believe that the only way to create a truly sustainable fashion brand today is 100 percent through recreating and reuse. Piecing and saving in multitudes, to decrease the masses through save and rescue is accountably cleaning humanities mess, and choosing rightly for the planet first. Every choice I make to combine and recreate, has a purposeful mission to save. The masses are so great that I feel the best way to problem solve them is to separate, innovate and recreate by piecing and stacking into one new collectable make. Awareness starts expanding through considerate minded unselfish choosing which ignites ones ability to endlessly create. Okimmi speaks this language of sustainability with great intention and integrity through an endless ability to consider the planet above all else first. Not always an easy choice, but always worthy, as operating in this sweet spot of right consistently opens the vortex of creativity. Endlessly beyond and to infinity. Dead stock, resale, salvage, closet over fill, and returns all have a purposeful remake. Up-cycling new sustainable fashion from the existing, is but one solution for toxic over consuming. Curated rescuing saves the worthy before it is too late. Our vintage textiles of quality, and our fabrications that were produced organically, are being wastefully lost daily. High end designer pieces, quality fabrication and our few remaining vintage treasures are being tossed for rubbish as this fast fashion waste congests the marketplace. Rescuing and reinvesting into what we own already, through piecing and recreating, stops new wasteful producing by encouraging artistry as a rightful alternative to trashing. Once again, setting and reconditioning a new sustainable mentality for saving. Reconditioning takes repetition and consistency, as well as good old fashioned conversing. An open mindedness for discussing is mandatory for restructuring. Sustainable change is an accountability owed by all globally, as our climate issues are accelerating daily.
Shockingly, regardless of what we have learned scientifically, humanity as a whole is not changing.

Okimmi is designed to provide various solutions for many of the toxic problems caused by the fashion industry and consumer abusing. Another way is through reinvesting and reinventing custom designs by rescaling the overflow from buried inventory overflow we already own. By recreating multiples, into one of a kind statement pieces from private “pre-worn” existing wardrobes. We pay a lot for designer retail. High end is not just in the making, it is also in the buying. In this, and in consideration for the planet first, I feel it worthies reinvesting. Warrants recreating artistically to celebrate and remember our history, while maintaining our investments wisely. We feel what we wear emotionally, and physically, so it makes sense then to revalue our choices rightly. To choose our investments wisely by valuing our life experiences in that we wear stylistically and intentionally saving. By reinvesting and remaking our items memorably, we honor the experiences we lived through them artistically. This is sensibility, a wiser choice for planet and self that beats cheaply selling it back into a severely devalued resale marketplace for nothing.

These solutions help educate consumers on how their daily consumption affects everything. Teaches how considerate choosing is essential to sustainable buying. Creates a new global mentality for outside the box thinking, by innovating a new economy through consumer support and collecting. Reconditions and revalues waste as a new commodity, rather than tossing it on the stack of toxic rubbish binning. Globally, it unifies the world for sustainable accountability by recreating new industry rightly, from that we have been doing wrongly.

I find great peace in knowing that we have a chance to shift individually, just through considerate buying. In understanding that taking responsibility through an open-minded mentality for a new practice of living, is essential for a positive reconditioning. That by supporting true sustainability by no longer buying fast fashion is a huge step in taking action immediately. Greenwashing in the UK has become a very serious offense which beckons great penalties. Many companies face lawsuits for falsely advertising sustainability in their marketing. Educating consumers to know what to look for takes teaching and understanding and conversations that worthy having. Lest we keep buying into exactly that which we are avoiding.

Greenwashing Landscape: Existing and Forthcoming Legislation in the United Kingdom and European Union | Insights | Jones Day

Keep supporting though educating. Read and study to learn scientifically what we are facing globally, and take accountable action immediately. Buy and consume responsibly, from those who produce true sustainability to ignite change rightly. We are but one world, and together we can rise to make a difference universally. We can clean up artistically, through decreasing wasteful consuming through stacking our existing into one-of-a-kind collectability, and initiate a marketplace for trading. I believe strongly that when choosing considerately, sustainable alternatives present organically. As if gifting back for having the care to choose mindfully. Okimmi is proof that we can shift away from new fast mass producing, and on to new considerate choosing through up-cycling. We have the power to add and subtract rightly. It doesn’t take a mathematician to work through the formula for accountable global consuming.

Okimmi is a true sustainable fashion brand built with a planet first intention to clean up the masses of the global fashion industry and humanity. Solidifying that circular fashion is far more than just the “cradle to grave” version hard set by corporate industry. That shredding for toxic remaking is not the only way to close the loop on circularity. Finally, when speaking the language of sustainability consistently, less from more brings on a universal score of innovative creativity by decreasing the wasteful mentality of mankind, one piece at a time. Accountably and Considerately.

Simi D