I was asked recently how it feels turning my dream into reality. Hearing this question affected me curiously, as I have not once ever considered my activism dreamy. Unexpected, and certainly unworthy of such endless creative channeling, but exhausting and much more of an intentional calling.

As grateful as I am to be innovating sustainably, working in fashion was certainly never in my plans for my 60’s. Though I have taken the long way around, clearly, it seems I have been chosen to flow this remarkable language of sustainable choosing. Okimmi is my global solution for the extreme waste of humanity. An awakening that tells a new story with every piece I’m creating. An expressive release of my honed artistry for rescuing and saving. I piece to save for the planet’s sake, by stacking on multiples as I recreate. Decreasing the chain of waste, while I innovate and sustainably make. The point is that I’m here, and my stance for planet first is not going away. Okimmi is proof that true sustainability in fashion exists, and I’m claiming my stake. I serve the planet first and I dream of accountable change. I am here to rescue, awaken and sustainably recreate.

Simi D