… a baby sweater becomes a hat…
Unwanted, undervalued, over looked and abandoned. The resale/salvage market place overflows with quality materials which worthies saving. Production of stuff today is incomprehensibly never ending. Currently, the 100 billion...
Dutch textile sorting sector “on verge of collapse”
“When it is no longer financially viable”.. always back to money before ecology. This is why. These masses are REWORKABLE by piecing multiples. These masses can be donated to the needy. These masses can be recreated into new economies. This CHOICE to BURN is...
The evolution of Okimmi
I was asked recently how it feels turning my dream into reality. Hearing this question affected me curiously, as I have not once ever considered my activism dreamy. Unexpected, and certainly unworthy of such endless creative channeling, but exhausting and much more...