Three to ones.

Three to ones.

Three to ones. So I figure with the fashion industries current estimated dump rate of 100 BILLION units per year globally.. we best start piecing in multiples to start sustainably saving. Whole multiples at that, because sustainably speaking means counting every...
STaring ecocide in the face

STaring ecocide in the face

We are staring ecocide smack center face but hey… we’re still stylishly trendy and economically on pace.Industry has produced to such extreme amounts that it leaves us a never ending supply of “stuff” to recreate and innovate with and we cannot afford to stop. Not...
Stacking fast multiples

Stacking fast multiples

Stacking fast multiples. As a runner, I am born from a fast-paced mindset. A trained speedster in the realm of fashion where fast reigns supreme. For Nature, the fashion industry proves a formidable killing machine, demanding humanity be held accountable to initiate...
economy 2nd….. planet first

economy 2nd….. planet first

I always find myself frustrated in this “marketing” game of economy. Most especially when in use of ecology. Earth day is everyday and it warrants being considered daily. It’s exactly this which keeps us stagnent and bound to a self serving mentality. In this, Okimmi...